Colorado Trucking Schools
If you’re ready to start a new career in trucking, the first step is attending a trucking or diesel mechanic program in Colorado. There are 15 schools in Colorado with one or both of these programs. You may be able to get a very affordable education in Colorado, since the average cost of tuition is $2,806. Many students qualify for scholarships, and the average scholarship award in Colorado is $1,607.
One scholarship opportunity in Colorado is the Ray Smith Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded by the Colorado Motor Carriers Association to trucking and diesel technology students.One scholarship opportunity in Colorado is the Ray Smith Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded by the Colorado Motor Carriers Association to trucking and diesel technology students.
Different Types of Truck Driving Schools in Colorado
Degree lengths vary depending on what you want to study. You can often earn a Commercial Driver’s License in just four to eight weeks if you attend school full-time. If you study diesel technology, you can decide whether to earn a certificate or Associate’s degree. A certificate generally requires one year of study and an Associate’s degree requires two years of study.
There are many schools in Colorado that offer more than just a basic education. In fact, some schools offer job placement training, refresher courses, and CDL training preparation.AIT Truck Driver Training helps students find employers that will reimburse them for their truck driving training; they even help students get pre-hired by local truck driving companies!
Get on the Road to a Trucking Career in Colorado
As a trucking professional, your salary is influenced by many factors. Truck drivers who work as owner-operators or as part of a driving team tend to earn higher salaries than solo drivers. You may be able to earn a higher salary as a diesel mechanic by becoming ASE-certified.
Below you can find a graph outlining Colorado trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compared to the nationwide average. All data is found at Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
Colorado is home to many large companies with career opportunities for truck drivers and diesel mechanics. Some of the largest employers in Colorado include C.R. England, Estenson Logistics, and Gordon Trucking. The job demand for trucking graduates is great. The demand for truck drivers is expected to increase by 11% between 2012 and 2022. The demand for diesel mechanics is expected to increase by 4% (O*Net).
Truck Driving Schools Near Me
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