CDL Training Near Denver
Find Truck Driving Schools in Denver
Denver is home to two trucking industry schools: one that offers a truck driving program and one that offers a diesel technology program. Students enjoy an average scholarship award of $2,280, which can take a substantial amount off of your educational costs. No matter what your obstacles for enrolling in a CDL-A or diesel mechanic program, talk to schools about your situation and see if they can help you figure it out. They help students overcome their challenges so they can start a new career in the trucking industry.
Choosing the CDL Training in Denver That Works for You
You can choose a program in Denver that meets your educational needs. Trucking programs are designed to be completed in four to eight weeks. Diesel technology programs typically come in two lengths. You may be able to earn a certificate or diploma in one year, or you can pursue a two-year Associate’s degree. Whether you need to earn your CDL or endorsements (such as HazMat), you can move forward quickly with the right program. Contact both schools to learn more about their offerings.
The Trucking Life in Denver
Major transportation hubs in Denver include I-70, Highway 285, and Highway 121. Large trucking employers in this area include Western Freightways LLC, Navajo Express, and Denver Intermodal Express. The cost of living in Denver is on par with the national average, making it easy to start your career and live on a budget.
This city is home to almost 13,000 truck drivers that earn an average salary of $44,410 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013). The light truck drivers in Denver report an average income of $33,960 per year (BLS, 2013).