West Virginia Trucking Schools
Apply for Truck Driving Schools in West Virginia and Earn Your CDL
As the country relies more and more on the transportation of goods, the need for truck drivers and diesel mechanics has increased. There are 10 schools in West Virginia that you can attend to start one of these exciting careers. Tuition costs, on average, $3,827. Many students qualify for financial aid, and the state has an overall average scholarship award of $1,098.
If you are unemployed, you may want to consider attending the Academy of Careers and Technology. Many of their programs qualify for Work Force Investment Act Funds, which are allocated to unemployed adults.
Comparing Truck Driving Schools in West Virginia
When you choose a diesel technology school, it’s important to look at more than the courses they offer—you should also evaluate what degree programs they have. There are two main diesel technology degrees. Bridgemont Community & Technical College offers both: an Associate’s degree program and a certificate program. Choosing the program that meets your needs can help you get the education you need. A certificate program generally takes about one year and an Associate’s-level program takes two years.
This can be a great time to complete your truck driving education. SFGate reports that the new federal budget offers many benefits to trucking companies, including better roads and fewer usage fees. There are many West Virginia trucking schools that boast small class sizes and job placement assistance, including Mountaineer Transport, PIA Trucking Program, and James Rumsey Technical Institute.
It can be difficult to pinpoint what salary you might earn as a new trucker or diesel mechanic, since your salary is influenced by many factors.
Below you can find a graph outlining how West Virginia trucking and diesel mechanic salaries relate to the nationwide average of trucking salaries. All data was retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
Get Trucking in West Virginia
West Virginia is home to a wide variety of career opportunities for you. In West Virginia, some of the biggest trucking employers are A&R Transport, C.R. England, and USA Truck Inc. In addition to trucking companies, you may find work with repair shops or leasing centers. The demand for truck drivers is expected to increase by 15%, while the demand for diesel mechanics is expected to increase by 11% (O*Net, 2015).
Truck Driving Schools Near Me
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