Washington Trucking Schools
Request Information to Truck Driving Schools in Washington and Earn Your CDL
You can start a new career and see more of the Pacific Northwest by starting a trucking career in Washington. There are 20 schools that can help you become a diesel mechanic or truck driver, and they have an average tuition cost of $4,032. Washington has myriad scholarship opportunities, leading to an average scholarship award of $1,638.
The Washington Trucking Association offers scholarships to trucking and diesel technology students. The WTA/Dave Weldy Vocational Scholarship is worth $500 to $1,000. It can be awarded to trucking students or diesel technology students.
Comparing Truck Driving Schools in Washington
If you want to start a career in truck driving, Washington is the right place to start. The Washington Times reports that local companies are in desperate need of truck drivers, with some companies reporting shortages of 150,000 people. Consider choosing a trucking school with accelerated trucking programs to allow you to start your career as quickly as possible. Western Pacific Truck School is one school with multiple options—you can complete a Class B training course in one week or a Class A training course in four weeks.
Program length is also important when it comes to diesel programs. Some schools have multiple opportunities, allowing you to choose one that’s right for you. Clark College has three options: a one-year certificate, an Associate’s of Science degree, and an Associate’s of Art in Teaching degree.
Get in a Washington Trucking Career
One of the first questions asked by most new trucking professionals is “How much money will I earn?”
Below you can find a graph outlining Washington trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compared to the nationwide average trucking salary. All data retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
There are a variety of career opportunities for you as a new truck driver or diesel mechanic. Washington is home to many prominent trucking employers, including C.R. England, Matheson Trucking Inc., and Gordon Trucking. You may also find jobs with repair shops or leasing companies. The job outlook in Washington is better than the national average; O*Net predicts a 15% increase in demand for truck drivers and an 11% increase for diesel mechanics.
Truck Driving Schools Near Me
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