Utah Trucking Schools
Ready to hit the road and start a truck driving job in Utah?
Before you start going through our list of Utah truck driving schools, review the following sections that spell out what to look for and what to expect when you start training. Keep in mind, there are schools that are independently owned, and others, such as CR England Truck Driving School, that offer training and then hire some of their graduates. This can be one benefit of attending a company owned school. However, there are plenty of quality trucking CDL programs across the United States that connect students with all kinds of employers.
Whether you want to work as an OTR, local, regional, or specialized trucker, your career will start with top-notch CDL training. What will you learn in CDL school?
Your training will cover:
- Federal & State specific laws & regulations
- Hazardous driving
- Pre- & Post- trip inspections
- And more!
Trucking School Requirements Typically Include:
- Must be 21 years of age
- Pass a drug/alcohol test
- Employment references
- No criminal history – depending on the offenses. *Felonies are typically out of the question
When contacting trucking schools, ask about:
- How students can pay for school – do they offer financing?
- How long is training? Some schools can have you on-the-job in weeks!
- What endorsements do they offer, in addition to minimum CDL training
- Do they help you find a job after graduation? (This is a biggie!)
Are you ready to contact transportation companies, such as CR England CDL training, to learn more about their programs? All you have to do is use our extensive list of Utah CDL programs to get started!
Dixie Applied Technology College has many scholarship opportunities for diesel technology students. One scholarship they have is the Southern Utah Trucking Association Scholarship. This school also has the DXATC Scholarship, which is based on academic merit and financial need.
Comparing Truck Driving Schools in Utah
If you live near lots of truck driving training schools, it’s important to evaluate different schools to decide which one is right for you. You may want to choose a truck driving school that’s part of a truck driving company, as you can begin working right away. With Utah going through such a huge trucking boom, thanks to the coal industry, you want to get started as soon as possible! C.R. England Truck Driving School has a training program that lasts just 17 days; upon graduation, you can start a career with C.R. England.
There are varying program lengths amongst diesel technology programs; many schools allow you to graduate in about one year. David Applied Technology College offers a diesel technology certificate program that can be completed in 13 months. You complete 1,170 hours of training by the time you graduate.
Start Your Career in the Trucking Industry
How much can you earn as a truck driver or diesel mechanic in Utah? It depends on a few factors.
Below you can find a graph outlining Utah trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compared to the salary average nationwide. All data retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
In addition to having lots of trucking employers, Utah also has a great job outlook for trucking professionals. O*Net expects the demand for truck drivers to increase by 29%. The demand for diesel mechanics is expected to grow by 22%. Some of the largest trucking employers in Utah are C.R. England, Matheson Trucking Inc., Gordon Trucking, and Blue Line Foodservice Distribution.
Truck Driving Schools Near Me
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