CDL Training Near Nashville
Joining the Nashville Trucking Industry
Nashville residents can live very affordably, thanks to a cost of living that is 10% below the national average. You should plan on getting familiar with area highways like I-440 and I-24. Large trucking companies in this area include Western Express and First Express.
Let’s get your career in the trucking industry moving today! Contact the schools below to get started!
Step on the Gas and Find Truck Driving Schools in Nashville, Tennessee
If you are ready to become a diesel mechanic or truck driver in Nashville, there are three schools that can give you the education you need. Tennessee Technology Center and Nashville Votech Truck Driver Training both offer small class sizes. There are many financial aid options, leading to an average scholarship award of $1,086. Since there are currently five truck driving schools in Nashville that you can contact, we recommend speaking with all of them about your goals.
Choosing the Right CDL Training in Nashville
Choosing a trucking or diesel program that fits into your schedule can help you get the most out of your classes. At Tennessee College of Applied Technology, you can complete several programs. The longest is a truck driving certificate, which takes eight weeks. They also offer a Professional Truck Driving Institute Certificate. Depending on what kind of trucking job you want, you should ask about possible endorsements you can earn that employers look for in job candidates. Some of these include: school bus/passenger, hazardous materials, air brake, and more.