South Carolina Trucking Schools
Apply for Truck Driving Schools in South Carolina and Earn Your CDL
Regardless of what role you want to play in the trucking industry, it all starts with an education from one of the 19 trucking schools in South Carolina. The average cost of tuition at these schools is $4,156, which is remarkably low. Many students get scholarships, leading to an average scholarship award of $598. You may be able to cover your tuition costs with student loans; the average student loan amount in South Carolina is $4,987.Whether you want to be a truck driver or diesel mechanic, you can join the South Carolina Trucking Association. They award scholarships to students in both fields.
Comparing South Carolina Trucking Schools
There are several ways to evaluate South Carolina’s many truck driving and diesel technology programs. It may be beneficial to look for a school that fits your timeline and schedule. If you are studying diesel technology, you often have two choices: a one-year certificate or two-year Associate’s degree. Some schools offer both programs, while other schools only offer one. For example, Orangeburg Calhoun Technical College offers a 16-credit diesel course that can be completed in one year.
SAGE Truck Driving School offers multiple truck driving programs, so you can choose whichever one fits your schedule. Their offerings include a 2,150-hour driving essentials class, an advanced tractor trailer course, and a driving refresher course. This school offers other benefits to its students. As you move through the program and after you graduate, SAGE can help you find a job with job placement assistance.
Get on the Road in South Carolina
Below you can find a graph outlining South Carolina trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compared to the nationwide average. All data retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
Once you have your trucking education, you can work in many different settings. One of the most popular work settings is a trucking company, but you may also work for a leasing center or repair shop. Some of the biggest trucking employers in South Carolina are Beacon Transport, C.R. England, and A&R Transport. The job outlook in South Carolina is quite positive. The demand for truck drivers is expected to increase 20%, while the demand for diesel mechanics is expected to increase by 13% (O*Net, 2015).
Truck Driving Schools Near Me
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