Rhode Island Trucking Schools
Apply for Truck Driving Schools in Rhode Island and Earn Your CDL
Attending a trucking school in Rhode Island is a great way to put your driving skills to use while starting a new career. There are two schools in Rhode Island, both of which offer truck driving certification. Tuition costs in Rhode Island vary quite a bit, depending on your federal financial aid status, if your employer reimburses your educational costs, and if you get any scholarships.If you are willing to join the Rhode Island Trucking Association as a student, you may be eligible for a scholarship. This scholarship can defray your educational costs at any Rhode Island school.
Comparing Truck Driving Schools in Rhode Island
Although there are only two truck driving schools in Rhode Island, there are many truck driving training programs! When you begin your career, you may need to know more than just driving. For example, you may be expected to load and unload your truck, adhere to strict safety standards, and handle hazardous materials. The New England Tractor Trailer Training School has you covered no matter what your career goals are.
If you just want to get your career started as quickly as possible, you can complete a 160-hour training course that offers basic Class A licensing prep. However, this school also offers a 540-hour training course that is designed to completely prepare you for the licensing process and your career as a truck driver. You can also opt to complete a shorter heavy straight truck driving course.
Get on the Road in Rhode Island
Trucking salaries in Rhode Island are influenced by numerous factors, including experience, seniority, and certification.
Below you can find a graph outlining how Rhode Island trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compare to the nationwide average of trucking salaries. All data retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
It’s exciting to begin your career after earning your degree! You may be able to work for a trucking company, repair shop, or trucking dealership. In Rhode Island, some of the biggest employers are TMC Transportation, C.R. England, and USA Truck Inc. You can generally look forward to a strong job outlook. O*Net anticipates a 17% increase in demand for truck drivers. They anticipate an 8% increase in demand for diesel mechanics (O*Net, 2015).
Truck Driving Schools Near Me
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