CDL Training Near Philadelphia
Start Trucking in Philadelphia
You’re here for a reason: You want to learn how you can become a truck driver in Philidelphia, right? If so, attending a truck driving or diesel technology program in Philadelphia can help you start an exciting career in an in-demand field. The first step is deciding what kind of career you’re interested in. Those who want to go into truck driving can earn a CDL-A or CDL-B, both of which are offered at Philadelphia schools. If you’d rather work on trucks than drive them, you may be able to attend a diesel technology program at a nearby technical school or community college. Whether you have a goal in mind, or want to speak with an expert who can advise you, contact the trucking schools listed here to compare programs and choose the best one!
One major benefit of completing your diesel technology or CDL training in Philadelphia is the amount of practical experience you get. Many employers will expect you to already be skilled in truck driving or diesel mechanics, so local schools that offer hands-on training can be very helpful.
Diesel Technology and Trucking Programs in Philly
Regardless of which type of program you decide to attend, you can plan on completing an intensive curriculum that includes classroom hours and practical experience hours. Truck driving schools in Philadelphia can teach you about different endorsements, truck components, and driving laws. The most common endorsement in this state is HAZMAT. Some of the techniques you may master include backing, parking, unloading, and highway driving.
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has strict licensing requirements for CDL applicants. They require you to submit a Medical Examiner’s Certificate, which demonstrates your physical health and your ability to safely navigate a truck. In addition, they require you to submit a self certification form. This form asks you to certify yourself as one type of driver:
• Excepted interstate
• Non-excepted interstate
• Excepted intrastate
• Non-excepted intrastate
There are also several license restrictions that you may be subject to as a Pennsylvania driver:
• Corrective lenses
• Dual mirrors
• Automatic transmission
• Special equipment
• Daylight hours
• Visual impairment
Those who go into diesel technology may spend up to two years in school learning about how diesel vehicles work, how to use computer diagnostic systems, and how to perform basic and advanced repairs. Rather than spending your time on the road, you’ll spend your practical hours in the garage.
Career Outlook for Truckers in Philadelphia
In Pennsylvania, the job outlook for truck drivers is relatively positive. O*Net expects the demand for heavy truck drivers to increase by 16% between 2012 and 2022. They anticipate a 3% increase in job openings for light truck drivers.
Between heavy truck drivers and light truck drivers, the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that there are over 20,000 truck drivers in Philadelphia. The average salary for a light truck or delivery driver is $36,420 per year, which is slightly higher than the national average. Truck drivers that go on to become heavy truck drivers claim an average income of $43,450 per year (BLS, 2013).
What it’s really like to work in the trucking industry…
Trucking schools in Philadelphia can get you started on the path to a rewarding career. This area has many prominent trucking employers, including C.R. England, A & R Transport, Groendyke Transport, and West Side Transport. Some of these drivers may hire local drivers, while others hire over-the-road drivers. It’s important to consider which type of driving career you want.
If you want to connect with other trucking professionals in your area and become an established part of the truck driving community, consider joining the Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association. This group offers numerous services to Pennsylvania truck drivers, including job listings, legislative updates, networking events, and driving championships.
The TribLive notes that Pennsylvania has a soaring demand for truck drivers. As a result, they say, many newly licensed drivers are in control of their job search and able to choose the job that best suits their needs and career goals.
Let’s connect you with the right folks to inspire you to achieve your goals in the trucking industry. Contact the schools in our directory to learn more!
CDL Training Near Philadelphia
4219 Fritch Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18020