Oklahoma Trucking Schools
Earn Your CDL in Oklahoma – Apply for Truck Driving Schools Below!
Ready to start a career in the ever-changing trucking industry? If you are, there are 16 schools in Oklahoma that can help you get there. The average cost of tuition in Oklahoma is $4,215. Thanks to numerous scholarship opportunities, the average scholarship award is $1,132. One benefit of going to school in Oklahoma is the average class size of 11 students, which gives you opportunities to interact with your professors.One scholarship you may consider applying for is the Martin Zemler Automotive Scholarship, which can pay for your tuition costs in an Oklahoma diesel program.
Comparing Oklahoma Truck Driving Schools
There are many benefits to starting a career in the automotive industry. With so many schools in Oklahoma, it’s easy to choose a school that meets your needs. There are several schools that offer small class sizes. As part of a small class, you may be able to ask all of your questions, get one-on-one help from your instructors, and spend more time in the lab or behind the wheel. Some Oklahoma schools that have small class sizes include Altus Area Truck Driver Training, Cado Kiowa Technology Center, and Gordon Cooper Technology Center.
Get on the Road to a Trucking Career in Oklahoma
When you become a truck driver or diesel mechanic, you may be able to earn a fairly competitive salary.
Below you can find a graph outlining Oklahoma trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compared to the nationwide average. All data retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
It’s essential to look at all of your career options before you choose an employer. Look into trucking companies, truck dealerships, and repair shops. Some of the largest trucking employers in Oklahoma are C.R. England, Blueknight Energy Partners, and Gordon Trucking. The job outlook in Oklahoma is very strong. O*Net anticipates a 13% increase in trucking jobs between 2012 and 2022. They expect a 12% increase in diesel mechanic jobs in the same time frame (O*Net, 2015).
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