Ohio Trucking Schools
There are many Ohio truck driver training programs to choose from. That is why it is essential for you to review this information about choosing trucking schools in Ohio, before you weigh your options. We will take a brief look at what kinds of topics your CDL training will cover, as well as what you should look for in a trucking school – beyond your core curriculum. Not every school is the same, so it pays to be knowledgeable.
Things To Consider When Choosing A Trucking School In Ohio
Financial options
Some schools offer financing directly to students, while others may work with certain loan companies. Just remember, you aren’t alone if you are concerned about paying for your CDL training. But it’s a good reason to check out 5-6 programs before enrolling in one. Our partners at schools, such as CR England trucking school, Hamrick School for CDL training, and others, can work with you to find solutions.
In case you don’t know, there are several endorsements you can earn through additional training. These include: HAZMAT, Doubles/Triples, School Bus, Tanker, and others. Earning these endorsements can help you qualify for more types of driver positions. So when you contact TDDS Technical Institute trucking school, Fortis CDL training, or other schools, ask if they offer any of these endorsement options.
Employer Contacts
You know what is great about our partners like Fortis truck driver training, TDDS Tech driver school and others? They want to help you find a job after you complete their programs. Heck, CR England CDL school might even have job openings you can consider as soon as you complete your training!
Type of Programs
Hamrick School for truck driving training offers a CDL Class A program that will get your foot in the door of the industry. They also offer other kinds of training programs that you can check out. Remember, there are three types of CDL’s, plus those endorsements we discussed.
Think finding CDL programs is simple? We hope you’ll find it easy from here. Just go down your list of options for trucking programs in Ohio and hit the road!If you want to become a truck driver, you can benefit from financial aid programs at many truck driving schools in Ohio. Napier Truck Driver Training helps you find government funds, student loans, or tuition reimbursement programs to pay for the cost of your driver training.
Compare Truck Driving Schools in Ohio
If you’re like many truck driving or diesel mechanic students, you’re trying to start a new career while still working full-time. This can make it difficult to attend classes during traditional daytime hours. However, there are many schools that offer night and weekend classes for your convenience. At Apollo Career Center, there are three truck driving courses. You can opt for a four-week or six-week daytime course that runs during conventional hours. However, you can also choose to complete an eight-week evening program.
You may also want to consider how much time you’ll spend in school. Clearly, truck driving programs are often very short. Diesel mechanic programs tend to be a bit longer. At Washington State Community College, you can complete a two-year Associate’s degree. Some schools in Ohio also give you the chance to complete a one-year certificate.
Get on the Road to a Trucking Career in Ohio
You may be able to earn a competitive starting salary as a truck driver or diesel mechanic in Ohio.
Below you can find a graph outlining Ohio trucking and diesel mechanic salaries and how they compare to the nationwide average. All data retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
Ohio is home to many large and important trucking employers. Some of the biggest employers include C.R. England, A&R Transport, and MCT Transportation LLC. Clearly, employment options include trucking companies, leasing centers, and repair shops. You can look forward to a great job outlook in Ohio. Between 2012 and 2022, O*Net expects a 17% increase in demand for truck drivers. They anticipate an 8% increase in demand for diesel mechanics in the same time frame.
Truck Driving Schools Near Me
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Ohio Truck Driving Schools
977 Frank Road
Columbus, OH 43223