North Dakota Trucking Schools
Because of how sparsely populated North Dakota is, trucking is a very important industry in this state. There are 17 trucking and diesel technology schools, with an average tuition cost of $5,197. Many schools have trucking scholarships available; the average scholarship award in North Dakota is $2,639.
Attending Williston State College gives you access to several different diesel technology scholarships. The Alvin Hexem Scholarship is open to diesel technology students that are from northwestern North Dakota. This college also awards tool scholarships; these scholarships aim to help you pay for the various tools you need in a diesel program.
Join the North Dakota Trucking Industry
When you begin a new trucking career in North Dakota, your salary may be influenced by a number of options.
Below you can find a graph outlining North Dakota trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compared to the average trucking salary nationwide. All data retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
You may be able to work in a variety of settings as a truck driver or diesel mechanic. Major employers in North Dakota include TMC Transportation, Maizis and Miller, and Bay & Bay Transportation. The job outlook in North Dakota is extremely strong. O*Net expects a 67% increase in truck driving jobs between 2012 and 2022. A 39% increase in demand is expected for diesel mechanics (O*Net, 2015).If you’re interested in starting a truck driving program, it’s important to look at program length to find a school that fits into your schedule. The majority of trucking schools in North Dakota allow you to prepare for your Class A license in four to six weeks. Most of these programs require you to take classes Monday through Friday during normal business hours. So if you have a daytime job, you should look for a school with alternate training hours! Don’s Driving School, for example, offers classes from 5 PM to 10 PM for evening students.
There are also several program options for prospective diesel technology students. At Williston State College, for example, you can pursue a diploma or an Associate’s degree. A diploma takes less than one year and an Associate’s degree takes about two years.
Truck Driving Schools Near Me
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