North Carolina Trucking Schools
The prevalence of trucking schools in North Carolina makes it easy for you to get an education wherever you live in the state. There are 34 trucking and diesel technology schools located across the state, with an average tuition cost of $2,786. You may be able to apply for diesel or trucking scholarships to minimize your costs.
The North Carolina Trucking Association Foundation Scholarship is a great scholarship if you are willing to join this group. They award $500 scholarships to students at two-year colleges and $1,000 to students at four-year colleges. In addition, this award is renewable.
Comparing Truck Driving Schools in North Carolina
As you look at all the different truck driving and diesel mechanic schools in your area, there are several ways to choose the best school for you. You may want to find a school that offers small class sizes. As part of a small class, you can enjoy more personalized education, more time to interact with and ask questions of your instructors, and perhaps even more time to get hands-on experience! Schools with small class sizes in North Carolina include TransTech, and Isothermal Community College.
It’s also helpful to look at program lengths at different schools. At Wake Technical Community College you can earn a two-year Associate’s degree or one-year diploma in diesel technology.
Hitting the Road in North Carolina
Of course, trucking and diesel mechanic salaries depend on a number of factors.
Below you can find a graph outlining how North Carolina trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compare to the nationwide average. All data was retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
You can seek employment in a variety of settings as a new trucking professional. Consider working for trucking companies, trucking leasing centers, and repair shops. Some of the most important trucking employers in North Carolina are C.R. England, MCT Transportation LLC, and Gypsum Express Ltd. The overall job outlook in North Carolina is fairly stable. O*Net anticipates a 4% increase in jobs for truck drivers and a 6% increase in jobs for diesel mechanics.
Truck Driving Schools Near Me
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North Carolina Truck Driving Schools
1100 South Clinton Avenue
Dunn, NC 28335