Montana Trucking Schools
Apply for Montana Truck Driving Schools! Apply for Schools and Earn your CDL!
Getting a degree or certificate in the trucking industry can help you start an exciting new career in Montana. There are six trucking and diesel technology schools in Montana, with an average tuition cost of $4,072. Montana is home to many scholarship opportunities that can help you pay for college. The average scholarship award in this state is $2,083.
Montana State University Northern has a great selection of diesel technology scholarships. They have five scholarships specifically for diesel technology students. Some of the scholarships are the Caterpillar Excellence Scholarship, the Jim Clark Memorial Diesel Scholarship, and the Kevin Holmes Memorial Scholarship.
Finding Montana Trucking Programs
You may want to look at program length as you consider different trucking and diesel technology schools. There are many different trucking programs in Montana, and it’s important to pick one that meets your needs and schedule. SAGE School, for example, offers six different training levels. Their comprehensive CDL course can be completed in four to five weeks, while their Driving Essentials course can be completed in about 12 weeks. They also have a refresher course, an externship program, an advanced course, and a Class B driving program.
There are two main degree types for diesel technology students. Some schools have a certificate program that can be completed in one year. However, many schools in Montana have Associate’s degree programs instead. Helena College is one Montana school that allows you to earn an Associate’s degree in diesel technology in two years.
Life As a Montana Trucker
It’s clear that salaries are dependent on many different factors, especially in the trucking industry.
Below you is a graph outlining the trucking and diesel mechanic salaries of Montana compared to the average trucking salary nationwide. All data retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
It’s important to choose a clear career path after graduation. Both truck drivers and diesel mechanics can work for trucking companies, repair shops, or dealerships. Some of the most prominent trucking employers in Montana are Gordon Trucking, BNSF Railway, and Rowley Trucking Inc. The demand for truck drivers is expected to increase by 15% (O*Net, 2015). Diesel mechanics are expected to go through job growth of 10% (O*Net, 2015).
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