Mississippi Trucking Schools
Apply for Truck Driving Schools in Mississippi and Earn Your CDL Today!
Studying trucking or diesel technology in Mississippi can help you play a role in one of the state’s largest industries. Overall, there are 18 trucking and diesel schools in the state. Tuition costs vary significantly between schools, but the average cost of tuition in Mississippi is $2,267. The average scholarship award in Mississippi is $1,478.
As a Mississippi trucking student, you may want to network with the Mississippi Trucking Association. The Mississippi Trucking Association Foundation awards many scholarships. Some of the trucking scholarships they award include the John Fayard Endowment, the Mike McLarty Endowment, and the H.Dean Cotten Endowment.
Comparing Truck Driving Schools in Mississippi
Many students thrive when they are in a small class setting, so it may be worth your while to look for a school that has this benefit! In small class sizes, you may enjoy more personalized teaching, the opportunity to ask as many questions as you want, and the freedom to complete more lab hours or driving hours. Mississippi schools that offer small class sizes include East Central CC Truck Driving Training, Holmes CC Truck Driver Training, and TDI Truck Driver Institute.
The work involved in become an ASE-certified diesel mechanic or licensed commercial driver can be substantial, so look for a school that can help you get your certification or license. For example, Hinds Community College has a truck driving program that is designed to help you at each step of the licensure process. They may help you learn the driving laws and state licensure laws.
Life as a Mississippi Trucker
As a new trucking professional, you may start in the low to middle part of the trucking salary range.
Below you can find a graph showing the Mississippi trucking and diesel mechanic salaries and how it compares to the nationwide average. All data was retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
Exploring your career options after graduation can be very exciting. Consider looking for jobs with trucking companies, repair shops, and dealerships. Major employers in Mississippi include C.R. England, Beacon Transport, and A&R Transport. O*Net expects a 6% increase in demand for truck drivers between 2012 and 2022 and a 6% increase in jobs for diesel mechanics in that same time frame (O*Net, 2015).
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Mississippi Truck Driving Schools
1500 West Highland Drive
Jackson, MS 39204