Maryland Trucking Schools
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Getting a degree or certificate in trucking or diesel technology can help you increase your earning potential and start a new career. There are 16 schools in Maryland that can help you reach this goal, including community colleges, truck driver schools, and colleges. The average cost of tuition in Maryland is $5,253. However, there are many local and national scholarships that can offset tuition costs.
f you attend the Community College of Baltimore County, you may be eligible for Alban Tractor Company Inc. scholarship funds. This company partners with the Community College of Baltimore County and awards over $10,000 in scholarships to diesel students.
Comparing Truck Driving Schools in Maryland
It can be beneficial to plan out your degree path and know exactly how long you will be in school. Truck driving programs are often much shorter than diesel technology programs. Most Maryland schools prepare you for your Commercial Driver’s License test in four to eight weeks. While there are diesel technology programs that are two years long, there are quite a few that allow you to graduate much faster. North American Trade School offers a diesel technology program that can be completed in nine months!
Regardless of which program you decide to pursue, you may want to look for a school that offers certification assistance. Hagerstown Community College helps students earn their CDL; in fact, graduates have a 98% CDL pass rate. All-State Career offers job search assistance, including interview techniques and job leads.
Life on the Road in Maryland
There is a wide range of salaries that you may earn as a trucking professional in Maryland.
Below you can find a graph outlining Maryland trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compared to the nationwide average. All data retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
After earning your degree or certificate, it’s time to begin your trucking career. Most employers are trucking companies, repair shops, and leasing centers. Some of the most significant employers in Maryland are C.R. England, D.M. Bowman Inc., and TMC Transportation. Regardless of your job title, you can anticipate a fairly strong job outlook. O*Net anticipates a 2% increase in demand for diesel mechanics and a 9% increase in demand for truck drivers.
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