Maine Trucking Schools
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New England is always in need of educated truck drivers and diesel mechanics. If you want to get started in these exciting career paths, there are nine schools in Maine you can attend. The average cost of tuition in Maine is $3,408. Many students also qualify for scholarships; this can help you significantly lower the amount of money you pay out-of-pocket.
As a Maine student, you may want to apply for the Maine Contractors & Builders Alliance Scholarship. This scholarship is worth $500 and it is given to five students every year.
Comparing Truck Driving Schools in Maine
In addition to financial aid, you can look at each school’s class sizes as you try to choose a program that’s right for you. Small class sizes offer plenty of advantages, particularly if you are in a truck driving program. You may be able to interact more with your professor to get more personalized teaching, spend more hours behind the wheel, and ask any questions you have. Maine schools with small class sizes include Northeast Technical Institute, Omega Pro, and Westbrook Regional Vo Tech Center.
It may also help to look for schools that have a specialty you’re interested in. For instance, Northern Maine Community College offers a unique diesel technology program. In your first year, you get a traditional diesel technology education. In your second year, you focus on diesel hydraulics. This can give you a step up over competitors when it comes to the job search.
Job Opportunities for Truckers in Maine
Salaries for truck driving and diesel mechanic jobs vary widely based on experience and licensure level.
Below you can find a graph outlining Maine trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compared to the nationwide average. All data retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
You can work for a variety of employers as a new trucking professional. Settings you may work in include repair shops, trucking companies, and leasing centers. Major employers in Maine include Roadrunner Transportation Systems, Schneider, and NAPA. You can also enjoy a growing job outlook in Maine. O*Net anticipates a 4% increase in jobs for truck drivers between 2012 and 2022. They also predict a 4% increase in job openings for diesel mechanics in the same time frame (O*Net, 2015).
Truck Driving Schools Near Me
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