CDL Training Near New Orleans
Get Going with Truck Driving Schools in New Orleans
If you want to become a diesel mechanic and become a part of the trucking industry in New Orleans, there is one school you can attend: Delgado Community College. Tuition costs about $2,991. The average scholarship award is a sizable $2,122. Many students also take out student loans. If you are looking for truck driving schools in New Orleans that offer CDL training, or endorsements, such as HazMat or multiple trailer, there may be schools outside the city who can help you. Keep searching our other city page listings to find schools near New Orleans.
Diesel Mechanic Programs vs. CDL Training in New Orleans
The diesel technology program at Delgado Community College last just a few months. You take a variety of classes, including Tool Safety and Usage, Fuel Systems, and Natural Gas Engine Theory. In each class, you’ll complete a hands-on practical portion as well as a classroom session. This program runs full-time.
New Orleans Trucking Industry
There are almost 370,000 people living in Louisiana, making it one of the largest cities in Louisiana. However, residents still enjoy a low cost of living. Local highways include I-10 and I-610. Prominent trucking employers include Triple G Express, S. Jackson & Son, and AAA Cooper Transportation.
In New Orleans, those in the trucking industry can earn a range of salaries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that heavy truck drivers earn an average of $40,870 per year. Those who drive light trucks earn a median salary of $33,480 (BLS, 2013).