Kentucky Trucking Schools
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If you live in Kentucky, you have the opportunity to get an education in a rapidly growing field. There are 29 schools in Kentucky that offer truck driving or diesel technology programs. In Kentucky, the average cost of tuition is $3,386. Many students also qualify for scholarships; the average scholarship award in Kentucky is $1,928.
Somerset Community College has a wide variety of diesel mechanic degrees and certificates. In addition to an Associate’s degree in diesel technology, you can choose from 10 diesel certificates. Options include Medium & Heavy Truck Mechanic, Diesel Engine Mechanic, and Electrical/Electronics Systems Technician.
Comparing Truck Driving Schools in Kentucky
There are many different ways to evaluate your different education options. You may want to look for schools that have small class sizes, particularly if you are a truck driving student. Truck driving schools that boast small class sizes can often offer you more one-on-one help, and you may even get to complete more driving hours. Louisiana schools with small class sizes include Champion Truck Driving School, Ashland Technical College, and Delta Truck Driving Academy.
You may also want to look at program length to decide which program and school is right for you. In general, most truck driving schools have similar program lengths. You should be able to get your license in four to eight weeks. Diesel technology programs tend to have more options. At Maysville Community & Technical College, you can complete an Associate’s degree in two years or a certificate in six months.
On the Road with The Trucking Industry in Kentucky
Because there are so many different positions in the trucking industry, salaries can vary significantly.
Below you can find a graph outlining Kentucky trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compared to the nationwide average. All data retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
You can look into several career options as a new trucking graduate. You may work for a trucking company, repair shop, or leasing center. Some of the largest trucking employers in Kentucky are C.R. England, MCT Transportation LLC, and Beacon Transport. A benefit of this field is the strong job outlook. O*Net anticipates a 19% increase in demand for truck drivers and a 13% increase in demand for diesel mechanics between 2012 and 2022.
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