Iowa Trucking Schools
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Attending a diesel technology or trucking program in Iowa can help you jump start your career in a growing, in-demand field. There are 17 schools in Iowa that offer diesel technology or trucking programs. The overall average cost of tuition in Iowa is $5,101, which is partially offset by an average scholarship award of $1,576.
Since you are studying a field in the trucking industry, you can apply for many different scholarships through the Iowa Motor Truck Association. This local group awards scholarships like the Harold Dickey Scholarship, Darryl Mason Scholarship, and the Bob Bannister Memorial Scholarship.
Comparing Truck Driving Schools in Iowa
In addition to tuition and financial aid, you may want to think about how much time you’ll be spending in school. There are often multiple program lengths within the same field of study. At Kirkwood Community College, you can complete a diesel technology certificate in two semesters or Associate’s degree in two full years.
Generally speaking, truck driving programs are much shorter than diesel technology programs. If you work traditional daytime hours, you can look for a program that has night or weekend classes. Indian Hills Community College is one Iowa school that has more flexible course offerings. All of their truck driving programs include 216 hour of classroom and driving instruction. You can either go to class Monday through Friday and graduate in six weeks or attend class on the weekends and graduate in nine weeks. The weekend courses include Saturday and Sunday courses.
Life on the Road in Iowa
One of the biggest questions you may ask when you start a new job is “How much money can I earn?”
Below you can find a graph outlining Iowa trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compared to the nationwide average. All data was retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
You can work in several different settings when you earn your trucking degree or certificate. There may be openings with trucking companies, repair shops, or leasing centers. Major employers in Iowa include Viessman Trucking, C.R. England, and MCT Transportation LLC. The job lookout is strong for these careers. Between 2012 and 2022, there may be a 19% increase in demand for truck drivers and an 11% increase in demand for diesel mechanics.
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