Indiana Trucking Schools
Ready to find Indiana CDL training school options?
Pump the brakes, partner. Let’s take a quick detour down “How To Choose A Trucking School Avenue” before you floor the gas towards your next gig in trucking. When choosing CDL training in Indiana, you will want to look for a few things in the program you choose.
Be sure you consider…
Do you meet the minimum requirements?
Most trucking schools in Ohio require their students be 21 years old, have a clean driving history, able to pass a drug test, and prove they are a US citizen. If you don’t at least meet those minimums, then it will be almost impossible to get started.
But if you do, great! Let’s keep trucking…
When choosing a trucking school, be sure you look at:
Financial aid options – some schools have financing, others don’t, and sometimes you can get a company to pay for it. So be sure to look at all your school choices.
Endorsements – Do you want to earn the most a trucker can make? Then get as much training as you can. Some trucking schools offer endorsements, such as HAZMAT, Doubles/Triples, School Bus, and others, that can increase your qualifications. This can be a good way to ensure you have the most career options as well.
Job Opportunities
We’ll give many trucking schools credit: they help their students get jobs after training. However, some schools have different relationships with employers than others. Some companies, such as CR England trucking, have their own training programs they hire drivers directly from. This can be one benefit to company owned schools.
Ready to start contacting trucking companies like CR England driving school to learn more about their training options? Simply go through our list of trucking schools in Indiana to take the next step!Vincennes University has a very unique opportunity for diesel technology students. This university has a partnership with John Deere. This means that you get to use the latest technology, work for pay at a John Deere dealership, and get invaluable experience.
Comparing Truck Driving Schools in Indiana
Program lengths in Indiana vary between schools, so you may want to consider all of your options before making a school choice! Diesel technology programs usually take between one and two years, depending on which program you decide to complete. A certificate can usually be completed in less than one year, but you may be in school for up to two years if you opt to complete an Associate’s degree.
Truck driving programs generally take at least four weeks to complete, but there are several programs in Indiana that let you complete your training faster. The Truck Driver Institute offers an accelerated program that lets you complete your training in just 15 days.
The Trucker Life in Indiana
There are a wide range of salaries for new truckers and diesel mechanics in Indiana.
Below you can find a graph outlining Indiana trucking and diesel mechanic salaries compared to the nationwide average. All data was retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015).
It’s important to take your time looking at your employment options after graduation. You may find employment with a trucking company, a leasing center, or a repair shop. Some major trucking employers in Indiana include C.R. England, MCT Transportation LLC, and Foodliner. One of the benefits of working in this field is the strong job outlook. O*Net expects a 21% increase in demand for truck drivers and a 14% increase for diesel mechanics.
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