CDL Training Near Chicago
Earn Your CDL Training in Chicago
If you’re ready to start your trucking or diesel technology career, there are 13 Chicago schools that can give you a thorough truck driving education. Chicago trucking schools have an average tuition cost of $5,961, but the average scholarship of $1,010 can lower your educational costs for those that qualify. Additionally, many trucking schools can help you find an employer that may reimburse you for your educational costs because companies want to ensure that they are hiring competent, qualified CDL graduates. At we’re here to help you contact the schools that can get you road-ready in just weeks or a few months. Contact the schools below to learn more.
Choose the Right Truck Driving School in Chicago
Several Chicago schools offer you the chance to choose what type of degree or training program you complete. For example, Alamo Truck Driving School has a 200-hour Class A program, a 160-hour Class B program, and a 45-hour refresher course.
There are some important things to consider when choosing a school that apply to whether or not you want to be a diesel mechanic or a truck driver. Asking the right questions before enrolling in a school helps ensure that you don’t have any regrets later on when it comes to the school you select. Every school is different and offers something unique that another school doesn’t, so don’t be shy. Ask as many questions that pop into your head as you can.
When contacting schools, make sure to ask the admissions rep some of the following questions:
- What are your graduation and career placement rates?
- How long is the program, and how many hours do students typically spend in classroom versus hands on training?
- What type of equipment will we be training on?
- Does your school have relationships with companies that typically hire your graduates?
- What are typical class sizes?
- Do you have any former graduates that I could talk to about the program?
The last question can often be an important one that many students overlook. It’s a good idea to talk to someone who has gone through the program because they tend to be less biased than admission reps and they can give you more detailed answers to your questions about diesel mechanic or CDL training.
If you’re going to school to get your truck driving license, there are some additional questions that you should consider asking as well. These have to do more with the hands-on training you will do. Most schools will require that you have a valid driver’s license, so if you do not have one, double-check to see if you can enroll without one first. Ask them about the type of driving you will be doing. If you are going after your Class-A license, you will need OTR training to prepare you for long-hauls. Ask them how many miles you will get to train on the road.
Finally, if you’re serious about a life on the road, ask them about additional training that can help set you apart when you head out into the job world. Special classifications on your license called endorsements can really help set you up for finding a job because of the specialized nature of the haul. Some common endorsements are hazmat, double/triple trailer, or tanker. Because these endorsements require additional training, and are scarcer among the trucking population, companies not only seek out these drivers, but they also try to entice them with a higher pay. If this is of any interest to you, make sure to ask about these types of training’s before enrolling with a school.
No matter which program is right for you, compare the schools below by speaking to each one about your career goals.
Driving in the Chicago area
When you live in Chicago, your salary may be higher due to Chicago’s cost of living. It is about 4% higher than the national average. Some of the largest trucking employers in this area include Spirit Trucking Company and Chicago Trucking Company.
In Chicago, there are over 37,000 tractor-trailer drivers. They earn an average annual income of $48,700 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013). The Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that light truck drivers earn a median salary of $38,820.
Don’t wait to find out which school will help you put your career in the fast lane. Contact the schools below to get started now.